Balanced and Inspiring: "School of the Prophets" by Kris Vallotton

about the book....
Mining from years on the frontlines of prophetic ministry, and overseeing the internationally renowned Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, bestselling author Kris Vallotton takes you deep into the heart of one of the most crucial, compelling and controversial topics today: the office of prophet.
In this definitive guide, Kris offers often-neglected foundational teaching and provides critical advanced training, including how to
· discern your calling and grow in your gift
· define your divinely appointed sphere of influence and depth of authority
· recognize the six different types of prophets--and how to deal with false ones
· navigate potential relational difficulties as you step into your gifting
· understand the complex ways God communicates
· prepare for the common, but dangerous, spiritual attacks prophets face
Vallotton offers a balanced view of not only what modern-day prophets are, but also what they are not. You will come away empowered and equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for this beautiful, vital, supernatural ministry.
my review...
In a culture that often seems permeated by a spirit of despair and hopelessness, Kris Vallotton's voice has emerged as a beacon of hope, prophetically drawing people to the truth of Christ and the loving relationship God desires to have with us. "School of the Prophets" is another engaging read from his talented pen, providing guidance to all who would seek to use their prophetic gifting to encourage people to go deeper with God. I greatly appreciated the way in which he shares so candidly from his own experiences, such as when he shares about the time he was so uncertain about the prophetic word he shared to the pastoral staff at Bethel that he spent the service lying on the floor with his head under a chair! His transparent honesty about his own past struggles are very refreshing, and provide an environment where anyone seeking to walk in the prophetic gift can embrace the calling with the recognition that mistakes may be made along the way, but that God is bigger than those mistakes. Kris offers a lot of wisdom, and there are definitely things in this book that will challenge your way of thinking. Whether you agree with all that he offers or not, you will walk away with a greater understanding of the prophetic voice needed in our churches today, one that should be focused on encouraging and raising up people to realize their God-given calling, and not focus on a message of judgement and wrath (as has so often been the case with prophetic ministries).
Whether you are someone wanting a solid understanding of the gift of prophecy or are seeking to deepen their gifting, "School of the Prophets" is a worthwhile read. I award it a solid rating of 4 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
about the author....

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