Delightful at every turn: "Stitches in Time" by Suzanne Woods Fisher

about the book....
Keeping people at arm's length had worked well as a life strategy for Sam Schrock.
Until he met Mollie Graber.
Schoolteacher Mollie Graber has come to Stoney Ridge for a fresh start. Aware of how fleeting and fragile life is, she wants to live it boldly and bravely. When Luke Schrock, new to his role as deacon, asks the church to take in foster girls from a group home, she's the first to raise her hand. The power of love, she believes, can pick up the dropped stitches in a child's heart and knit them back together. Mollie envisions sleepovers and pillow fights. What she gets are sleepless nights and police at the door.
There's only one thing that breaks through the girls' hard shells--an interest in horses. Reluctantly and skeptically, horse trainer Sam Schrock gets drawn into Mollie's chaotic life. What he didn't expect was for love to knit together the dropped stitches in his own heart . . . just in time.
Suzanne Woods Fisher invites you back to the little Amish community of Stoney Ridge for a touching story of the power of love.
my review....
Every time I pick up another one of Suzanne Woods Fisher's novels set in Stoney Ridge, I wonder if I can possibly enjoy it as much as the last one. And yet somehow each book instantly feels like a friend, with characters that you can't help but love to hang out with as they bumble through life. I am particularly enjoying this "Deacon's Family" series, and thought that "Stitches in Time" was another excellent addition. The book abounds with humour and tender moments, with pain and forgiveness and second and third chances, and had me smiling one moment and fighting tears the next. Although in some ways Mollie and Sam steal the show as they both come into their own and grow so incredibly richly into the roles that God has called them to play, it is the continuing story of Luke and his transformation as he takes on the deacon role that just keeps grabbing my attention again and again. He is just such the perfect example of God taking the most unexpected person of all, someone people are used to feeling hurt by or annoyed towards, and using them instead to show God's love in a new way. I was inspired by reading of his journey, and how he learned to start each day opening himself up to however God wanted to use him that day. What an awesome way to live! Though it sounds simple in theory, in reality the day-to-day aspects of life can seem to get in the way of this, and it was refreshing to read about Luke and his fellow Amish people, all so determined to make God the centre of everything they do and see them blessed so richly as a result.
I certainly don't need to convince those readers who already enjoy every novel Fisher releases, that "Stitches in Time" is delightful at every turn and worthy of adding to your book collection. But I hope that those readers who wouldn't normally pick up an Amish themed novel will certainly do so, because they will find much to love in this well-written novel. I award this novel 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
about the author....
Suzanne Woods Fisher is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than thirty books, including On a Summer Tide, as well as the Nantucket Legacy, Amish Beginnings, The Bishop's Family, The Deacon's Family, and The Inn at Eagle Hill series, among other novels. She is also the author of several nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace and Amish Proverbs. She lives in California. Learn more at and follow Suzanne on Facebook @SuzanneWoodsFisherAuthor and Twitter @suzannewfisher.
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