Devotional book review: "Unglued" by Lysa Terkeurst
Serving as a companion to Lysa Terkeurst's highly-rated book Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions, the Unglued Devotional features 60 days worth of devotions to help readers handle emotional struggles. Each daily devotional starts with a Bible verse, following by a "Thought for the Day" that is designed to provide something positive for the reader to focus on throughout that day. Following that is the actual devotional entry, each of which focuses on emotions like fear or struggles with imperfections or feelings of confusion. Through the devotional, the author strives to help readers take hold of their negative emotions and instead "leak patience, kindness, gentleness, and grace".
I have read through many devotionals over the years, and this is one of the first that takes an honest look at the difficult emotions we all struggle with, such as anger or fear. I appreciate that the author doesn't promise perfection, but instead encourages readers to take one step at a time, and celebrate "imperfect progress". Although I haven't read the book "Unglued" that the devotional is based on, I didn't find that this at all detracted from my ability to draw from the wisdom the author is offering. The entries are well-written, easy to understand and connect with, and I really like the "Thought for the day" which gives you a take-away thought to return to throughout the day.
Readers looking for a new devotional to encourage them in their spiritual life should plan on adding this one to their collection. I give it a solid recommendation and award it 4 out of 5 stars.
about the author....
Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times bestselling author and national speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith. She is the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, author of 15 books, and encourages nearly 500,000 women worldwide through a daily online devotional. Her remarkable life story has captured audiences across America, including appearances on Oprah and Good Morning America. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and five children.
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