Menno boys can cook too! (Well, thanks to the Mennonite Girls anyway) - My review of "Mennonite Girls Can Cook Celebrations"
I like to pretend I can cook. I faithfully follow recipes. I slide the masterpiece into the oven. And I often stare forlornly at the product.
Unfortunately, I am that man who tries hard but....the end result isn't always pretty! It doesn't help when I do things like add salt instead of sugar (who knew cookie dough could turn GREEN?).
To the rescue come the ladies with Mennonite Girls Can Cook, bringing recipes that anyone (even me) can follow to produce fantastic looking and tasting food. Read on for my review!
about the book....
The bestselling authors of Mennonite Girls Can Cook return with a second course in their new Celebrations cookbook. From mouthwatering mini-muffins and succulent soufflé to campers' stew and lattice-topped grilled apples, the Mennonite Girls share recipes to honor all of life. Join the girls for brunch celebrating a child's birth, campfire cooking with family, and even the more somber celebrations of a life well-lived. Filled from cover to cover with devotional reflections, personal stories, and beautiful photos, this book contains much more than recipes--it will soon become your kitchen companion for life's celebrations.
Like their first book, Mennonite Girls Can Cook: Celebrations includes many gluten free adaptations!
my review....
My only concern about this cookbook is that we can't seem to keep it in our house! Everyone seems to want to borrow our copy to look through! Definitely plan on adding this one to your collection and giving away a few copies yourself. 5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of MennoMedia and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Herald Press, a publishing imprint of MennoMedia.
Book has been provided courtesy of MennoMedia and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Herald Press, a publishing imprint of MennoMedia.
about the authors....

Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a blog about recipes, hospitality, relationships, encouragement and helping the hungry. The first cookbook, Mennonite Girls Can Cook has been a smashing success and has sold over 30,000 copies so far, with all author royalties going to feed hungry children.
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