A Precious Gift: My review of Choosing to SEE by Mary Beth Chapman and Ellen Vaughn
Publisher: Revell; Reprint edition (September 1, 2011)
Book Synopsis as provided by the publisher:
In Choosing to SEE, Mary Beth unveils her struggle to allow God to write the story of her life. She wrestles with some of life's biggest questions: Where is God when things fall apart? Why does God allow terrible things to happen? How can I survive hard times?
Equal parts inspiring and sobering, Choosing to SEE has the ability to change people's lives. Mary Beth Chapman clearly writes from the depths of her heart, with no hiding behind "Christianese" or pretending to be the "perfect Christian". Her story is one that will bring tears to your eyes and hope to your heart as you realize that although you will go through tough times, God is holding your hand the whole way through. God promises to never leave us nor forsake us, and Chapman's story so aptly displays this promise to us.
The authors display great skill with the pen, and have written this moving account in an easy to read way that kept the pages flying through my hands. Their candid manner is so refreshing as we walk with the family through the struggles of their marriage, the reality of depression, the joy of adoption, the tragedy that came with the death of their child. How amazing God's grace is that He sustains the family throughout!
People who are struggling through tragedy should pick up this book. People who are worried they are not deserving of God's grace should pick up this book. People who don't want to admit they are Christians struggling with depression should pick up this book. Parents who have tasted the same loss as the Chapmans in losing a child should pick up this book. A message of comfort, of hope, of permission to be human, that you don't have to pretend to be perfect, that God never gives up on us - this is the message that breathes through Choosing to SEE.
Written with great courage, this book deserves a full recommendation, and receives 5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
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