An intriguing story from Tosca Lee: "The Progeny"

about the book...
New York Times bestselling author Tosca Lee brings a modern twist to an ancient mystery surrounding the most notorious female serial killer of all time. A fast-paced thriller for fans of Lee’s Books of Mortals series with Ted Dekker, Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, and BBC America’s hit series Orphan Black.
Emily Porter is the descendant of a serial killer. Now, she’s become the hunted.
She’s on a quest that will take her to the secret underground of Europe and the inner circles of three ancient orders—one determined to kill her, one devoted to keeping her alive, and one she must ultimately save.
Filled with adrenaline, romance, and reversals, The Progeny is the present-day saga of a 400-year-old war between the uncanny descendants of “Blood Countess” Elizabeth Bathory, the most prolific female serial killer of all time, and a secret society dedicated to erasing every one of her descendants. A story about the search for self amidst centuries-old intrigues and Europe’s underground scene…and one woman’s mission to survive.
My review....
"The Progeny" is an intriguing story from Tosca Lee, a tale filled with mystery and twists and turns from start to finish. The pacing is fast, and as such my interest was held throughout the book. As with Lee's other novels, the writing is beautiful, with vivid descriptions and great dialogue that moves the story forward. Despite all that, however, I must admit that this isn't my favourite book from Lee, as I just couldn't connect with the primary character, Emily, like in Lee's other novels. At first I really liked that I was never quite sure what was going on, as I wasn't sure who was good and who was bad. But by mid-way through the novel I came to realize that I hadn't yet grown to really care about any of the characters! And although I can appreciate when a novel ends on a cliff hanger, by the time I finished this story I hadn't really found that much of a climax had yet occurred. I must say that these comments are unusual for me to write, as Tosca Lee is one of my favorite authors. I will say, however, that I am wanting to dive into the next volume in this series to see what is coming next, because perhaps I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for this story, and there are likely good things to come.
All in all, I award this book a solid rating of 4 stars, because despite the short-comings I feel it has, it is still a well-written novel with a unique plot that many readers are sure to love. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
An egalley of this book was provided by the publisher, Howard Books and netgalley, for the purposes of this unbiased review.
about the author...

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