Enthralling: "A Harvest of Thorns" by Corban Addison

Corban Addison's latest work is a masterpiece, at once engrossing and disturbing at the same time. You will be unable to read this novel and look at your clothing and the products you buy the same way, as you will consider the possible suffering of the people who pieced your purchases together. The plot raced along and I found it difficult to put down. Although published by a Christian publishing division, I will warn you that there are some mild curse words sprinkled throughout the pages, and the tone of the novel is not overtly Christian. But the injustice that the characters fight against is surely something that grieves Jesus' heart. Although Presto is a fictionalized corporation, the stories behind this novel are based on real types of situations that have occurred, situations where workers have suffered unimaginable abuse and suffering all in order to offer cheap products to North Americans who don't stop to think about the type of abuses factory workers are experiencing. Don't get me wrong - in no way is this novel a preachy novel solely written for the purposes of raising awareness about this important issue. Rather, you will find yourself caring deeply about these characters, rooting for them to do good in the face of evil, and you will find yourself celebrating the final chapters, ones woven with scenes that brought tears to my eyes.
I greatly enjoyed this powerful novel and encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself. You will find a story worth reading, not only to satisfy your hunger for a good book, but to awaken your desire for justice. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the Booklook Bloggers review program. Available from your favorite book retailer from Thomas Nelson, a division of HarperCollins.
about the author...
Corban Addison is the international bestselling author of A Walk Across the Sun, The Garden of Burning Sand, and The Tears of Dark Water,which won the 2016 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Award. His novels have been published in over 25 countries. An attorney, activist, and world traveler, he is a supporter of humanitarian and social justice causes around the world. He lives with his wife and children in Virginia. Learn more at his website corbanaddison.com Facebook: CorbanAddison Twitter: @CorbanAddison
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