Fantastic! "BibleForce: The First Heroes Bible"

As a parent, I am absolutely enthused to encounter BibleForce, because it is perfect for the younger reader who just isn't ready for the full version of the Bible because the language is sometimes beyond them. My son has loved pouring over this book, engaging with the pictures and the text more than I expected him to, day after day! We have been taking turns reading the book out loud, and it has been a wonderful way not only to work on his reading skills but to learn the overarching story of the Bible at the same time. The illustrations are simply fantastic and filled with life, and they add a whole other dimension to what is being read. While of course this book will never replace reading the actual scriptures, the authors have taken great care to focus on the important elements of each story and ultimately point readers to truth.
Both my son and I highly recommend this exciting book and award it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher through the Booklook Bloggers program.
about the authors...

Though coming from different corners of the globe – Wayne from Sydney in Australia, and Peter from Bath, England – they have been united as long-term advocates for a high-quality graphic Bible, hoping to bring God’s word not just to children but also to young teenagers in an exciting and stimulating way. With its strong design and high visual impact, BibleForce®, “The First Heroes Bible”, instantly draws the reader in, offering a great overview of the Bible, and acting as a gateway from a young children’s Bible to the complete text.
Aware of the demands of today’s technology-oriented world, Wayne and Peter also wanted to offer the reader multiple platforms to read and share their experience. A BibleForce® App has been developed to serve this purpose and is freely available to any purchaser of the book.
We hope that you’ll be as passionate about BibleForce® as both Wayne and Peter are!
Both Wayne and Peter would like to thank Dan Lynch of Brentwood Studios, Nashville Tennessee for his ongoing belief and support during the development and creation of BibleForce®.
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