Her finest work yet: "A Light on the Hill" by Connilyn Cossette

about the book....
Though Israel has found relative peace, Moriyah has yet to find her own. Attempting to avoid the scorn of her community, she's spent the last seven years hiding behind the veil she wears. Underneath her covering, her face is branded with the mark of the Canaanite gods, a shameful reminder of her past captivity in Jericho and an assurance that no man will ever want to marry her.
When her father finds a widower who needs a mother for his two sons, her hopes rise. But when their introduction goes horribly wrong, Moriyah is forced to flee for her life. Seeking safety at one of the newly established Levitical cities of refuge, she is wildly unprepared for the dangers she will face and the enemies--and unexpected allies--she will encounter on her way.
my review....
The story of Moriyah and the shocking events that lead to her fleeing for her life to a city of refuge is utterly absorbing, one I just couldn't step away from. Cossette has created an action-packed Biblical tale like no other, bringing to life ancient Israel only a few years after the fall of Jericho. The novel breathes with authenticity and you will feel transported back to a time when Israel was just a fledgling nation struggling to establish itself and implement the laws handed down by Moses. Moriyah's tragic past and the shame she struggles with will quickly endear readers to her situation. As she flees for her life, you cannot help but cheer her on for her courage, and the way that she finds the strength to face up to danger on every side. The love that grows between Moriyah and her unexpected ally is one that will truly delight even those readers who aren't normally drawn to the romantic side of stories. But the love Moriyah discovers, one that is like a healing balm to her soul, is the perfect picture of how God reaches into our own lives and sees past the guilt and the shame and loves us anyway. The mercy of God is a wonderful theme that shines in this tale, and I came to the final pages feeling utterly moved by God and the picture of his love that comes to life in "A Light on the Hill".
I simply cannot say enough about this incredible novel, as it has everything you would hope for in a historical-themed story. I award it 5 out of 5 stars, and I am certain you are going to love it too! I am most thankful for the fact that this book is only the first in the "Cities of Refuge" series, because I can't wait to see what lies in store for these incredible characters!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
about the author....
When she is not homeschooling her two sweet kids (with a full pot of coffee at hand), bestselling author Connilyn Cossette is scribbling notes on spare paper, mumbling about her imaginary friends, and reading obscure, out-of-print history books. There is nothing she likes better than digging into the rich, ancient world of the Bible and uncovering buried gems of grace that point toward Jesus. Her novel Counted With the Starswon the 2013 Frasier Contest and was a semifinalist in the 2013 ACFW Genesis Contest. Although a Pacific Northwest native, she now lives near Dallas, Texas. Connect with her at www.connilyncossette.com.
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