A novel that held me mesmerized: My review of The Heavens Before (Genesis Trilogy) by Kacy Barnett-Gramckow
Enter the world of Noah as you've never encountered him before.
Annah is a young women who lives in the time of Noah, residing among a people who are violent, selfish, having no thoughts for anyone but their own pleasure. She is held in contempt by all, believed to be mindless as she has not spoken since she observed the death of her own father many years before. While down at the riverside, she has a chance encounter with Shem, son of Noah. After she is nearly beaten to death by her brother, Shem rescues her through marriage and brings her to his family. At the prompting of the Most High, Noah brings warning of the coming great flood. The people must choose between evil and good as the day of judgment draws near.
Kacy Barnett-Gramckow has written a powerful novel in The Heavens Before, one that held me completely mesmerized with it's depiction of life before the flood. The details are rich and beautifully fleshed out, the characters larger than life. Annah's story left me breathless with her rise from the ashes of where she suffered so much wrong. It takes a talented author, indeed, who can take a story where everyone knows the ending, and create a novel that holds you in it's grip and takes you on a journey with unexpected twists and turns. God's light shines through this story, and you will leave the pages with a deeper understanding of his love and his grace and the marvel of his ways.
I highly recommend this book and give it a full 5 out of 5 stars. If you have never read this book, you are missing out. This book should be a must for any library.
Disclosure of Material Connection:
I received this book free from Moody Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Kacy finds research almost as interesting as writing, and she brings a lively knowledge of history to bear on her settings and characters. She and her husband, Jerry, have been married for more than thirty years, and they live in Colorado.
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