"Cassie & Caleb Discover God's Wonderful Design" by Susan & Richie Hunt (My review)
Children between ages 5 and 8 are in for a treat as they enter the world of Cassie and Caleb, a brother and sister who learn that God has made them and the world around them just they way they are! The book is divided into 20 separate short chapters, each with a particular focus, from the discovery that boys and girls are made different but equal, to the important lesson that we can confess our sins and God will forgive us for them all! The stories start with a verse, followed by a brief snapshot of Cassie and Caleb's lives. Each chapter ends with a page entitled "Let's Talk", providing discussion questions, a reference to some verses to read, and a prayer focus for that chapter.
If you are anything like my family, you are always on the look-out for children-friendly products that will deepen your children's understanding of spiritual truths. "Cassie & Caleb Discover God's Wonderful Design" is a great option for your family to try. Your children will like learning about each truth through the form of a story from Cassie and Caleb's lives. After all, didn't Jesus even teach adults with parables? The stories are short and to the point and are just the right length for your children's time span. One of my favourite things about this book is that it seeks to teach children how to pray the scriptures, so that children know that scripture comes alive as we pray it to God. I also like how the authors made prayer so natural to these family members that they do it as easy and as often as living and breathing. These stories will cultivate some wonderful discussions for your whole family to participate in, and your family devotional time will be more lively than ever!
Let your family join Cassie and Caleb in their adventure-filled spiritual journey. You'll be glad you did. I give this book a solid rating of 4 out of 5 stars.
A copy of the book has been provided courtesy of Moody Publishers, for the purposes of this unbiased review.
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