Wickedly good: My review of Double Blind by Brandilyn Collins @Brandilyn

When she receives her letter of acceptance for the trial, Lisa is at first hopeful. But—brain surgery. Can she really go through with that? What if she receives only the placebo?
What if something far worse goes wrong?
Written in the relentless style for which Brandilyn Collins is known, Double Blind is a psychological thriller with mind-bending twists. Lisa faces choices that drive her to the brink, and one wrong move could cost the lives of many.
I absolutely devoured Double Blind, reading it from start to finish, completely unable to put it down. Brandilyn Collins writes with gripping suspense, with crisp, taut writing that makes for a quick-paced plot full of action, twists and turns. I absolute loved the initial premise of this book, of a chip that can be implanted on the brain and has the capacity to cure depression. Collins has delved into new territory here, mixing suspense with some sci-fi futuristic elements - or maybe not so far into the distance after-all, a thought all the more terrifying when it's considered that such technology could be a blessing, or a curse.
Brandilyn Collins continues to be one of my favourite authors, and this book is an absolute keeper. My only disappointment with the book was coming to the end because I was just enjoying the story so much! Not only has Collins produced a wildly entertaining story, but she's managed to leave me thinking through some deeper issues as well, such as the role of suffering in our lives and what our response should be, or the truth that God is with us no matter what, and that our walk with him cannot be dependent on whether we feel like he's with us - he just is!
Fans of previous novels by the author are absolutely going to love Double Blind. And, anyone who enjoys a good suspense novel should plan on adding this one to their collection.
I highly recommend this book and award it 5 out of 5 stars.
An egalley of this book was provided courtesy of B&H Publishing Group.
Brandilyn Collins is a best-selling novelist known for her trademark Seatbelt Suspense®. She is a three-time American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award winner and has received Inspirational Readers’ Choice and Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice honors. Brandilyn and her family have homes in California and Idaho.
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