An incredible novel: My review of "Chasing Hope" by Kathryn Cushman

about the book....
A talented runner determined to make the Olympics, Sabrina Rice had her dreams shattered by a devastating diagnosis. One forfeited scholarship and several years later, she's forged a new vision for her future that has nothing to do with running, which she's buried deep, intent on forgetting...
Until the day she sees Brandy Philip running across the college campus, easily outpacing security. Sabrina immediately recognizes world class potential, and it's all the more painful that it belongs to a troublemaking teen. When a chance encounter brings the two young women together, Sabrina realizes she's Brandy's best hope to salvage a life about to spiral out of control forever.
Until the day she sees Brandy Philip running across the college campus, easily outpacing security. Sabrina immediately recognizes world class potential, and it's all the more painful that it belongs to a troublemaking teen. When a chance encounter brings the two young women together, Sabrina realizes she's Brandy's best hope to salvage a life about to spiral out of control forever.
my review....
"Chasing Hope" is an incredible novel, one that captured me from the first page such that I found it simply impossible to put down! Sabrina Rice is a unique character who stole my heart with her determination to succeed through the challenges in her life. Her struggles to hold onto her faith in the midst of pain and trials are ones that any reader will be able to relate to. I greatly enjoyed watching the relationship develop between Sabrina and the teenage Brandy, which not only makes for some humorous moments, but provided some powerful scenes as each young women worked through the pain of their past and discovered the possibility of a new future. "Chasing Hope" celebrates the power of faith to overcome all odds, and the gift of family in our lives. I love the characters of the godly grandmothers who have such wonderful wisdom and who push their grandchildren to go beyond what they believe is possible! As with Cushman's prior novels, the writing is top-notch, with drama filled scenes, emotional depth, and characters who will soon come to feel like friends. Fans of Cushman's novels will be utterly pleased with this latest offering, and I myself am looking forward to future novels from Cushman's skilled pen.
Readers who enjoy heart-stirring contemporary fiction should plan on adding this book to their "must read" list. I highly recommend this book and award it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
Readers who enjoy heart-stirring contemporary fiction should plan on adding this book to their "must read" list. I highly recommend this book and award it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
about the author....

Kathryn Cushman is a graduate of Samford University with a degree in pharmacy. She is the author of five novels, including Leaving Yesterday and A Promise to Remember, which were both finalists for the Carol Award in Women's Fiction. She is also the co-author of Angel Song with Sheila Walsh. Kathryn and her family currently live in Santa Barbara, California. Visit her Web site at
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