One of my favourite Healy books yet: My review of "Hiding Places

The resort town of Evergreen is hiding more secrets than anyone realizes, and 11-year-old Kate may be hiding the most secrets of all. Seeking to keep her world at peace, she helps cover up one sister's marijuana stash, another sister's thieving ways, even hides the negative comment cards guests have submitted about the hotel her family runs. But when murder invades their world and she makes a decision to hide a stranger on the hotel property, her choices have far-reaching consequences she never could have anticipated. Secrets start emerging from darkness into light as the family must fight for their very lives.
Erin Healy is one of those gifted authors who has the capability to surprise me time and time again every time I pick up one of her books. "Hiding Places" was no different, and I think that this book is one of my favourite Healy books yet. I never quite knew where things would end up, as the book took one serious twist after another. An ominous undertone pervades each chapter, and once the family members had been taken hostage I knew I was in for a late night indeed. The writing is top-notch, with language that is vivid and real, creating scenes that played like a movie across my mind. And Kate is quite simply one of those endearing characters who you just want to keep reading about because they are so precious and likeable and innocent (although it would be hard to decide if she was my favourite character or whether her great-grandma would earn that spot!) "Hiding Places" explores deep themes of what it means to be family, of forgiveness and second chances, with truth hidden in the pages like gems rather than being preached by the characters. I closed the pages of this story pondering how horrible situations can bring about such good. And isn't that true of reality, that God promises to work for our good, no matter the circumstance?
I quite enjoyed Erin Healy's latest novel, and plan to pick it up again to enjoy the wonderfully unique plot and endearing characters. I am confident you will enjoy this story too, and award it a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Erin Healy is one of those gifted authors who has the capability to surprise me time and time again every time I pick up one of her books. "Hiding Places" was no different, and I think that this book is one of my favourite Healy books yet. I never quite knew where things would end up, as the book took one serious twist after another. An ominous undertone pervades each chapter, and once the family members had been taken hostage I knew I was in for a late night indeed. The writing is top-notch, with language that is vivid and real, creating scenes that played like a movie across my mind. And Kate is quite simply one of those endearing characters who you just want to keep reading about because they are so precious and likeable and innocent (although it would be hard to decide if she was my favourite character or whether her great-grandma would earn that spot!) "Hiding Places" explores deep themes of what it means to be family, of forgiveness and second chances, with truth hidden in the pages like gems rather than being preached by the characters. I closed the pages of this story pondering how horrible situations can bring about such good. And isn't that true of reality, that God promises to work for our good, no matter the circumstance?
I quite enjoyed Erin Healy's latest novel, and plan to pick it up again to enjoy the wonderfully unique plot and endearing characters. I am confident you will enjoy this story too, and award it a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher, Thomas Nelson, and the Booklook program, for the purposes of this unbiased review.
Erin Healy is the bestselling coauthor of Burn and Kiss (with Ted Dekker) and an award-winning editor for many bestselling authors. She is a member of ACFW and Academy of Christian Editors. Her novels include such thrilling stories as Never Let You Go, The Baker's Wife, Stranger Things, and Motherless. She and her family live in Colorado. Facebook: erinhealybooks Twitter: @erinhealybooks
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