about the book....
This unforgettable introduction to a charismatic kid heroine also marks the dazzling debut of an extraordinary new artistic talent!
Note to self: If your teacher tells you to bring something from nature for show-and-tell, she does not want you to bring an alligator! But nothing will stop Magnolia, who's determined to have the best show-and-tell of all--until her reptilian rapscallion starts getting her into some major trouble. Now it's up to Magnolia to find a way to send this troublemaker home--but what could possibly scare an alligator away?
my review....
I honestly can't say who enjoyed this book more - my children, or me! From the moment this book arrived at our house, the children were drawn to the action-packed cover and were clamouring to read it. Soon, they were literally shouting with laughter, and there would have been utter mutiny if I'd dared stop in the middle of the story. Why, you may ask? Let's just say that the combination of the clever (and irreverent) text with the utterly hilarious pictures not only grabbed hold of their attention but set them off into fits of giggles. Every child who reads this book will be able to find themselves somewhere in the midst of the pages, as they imagine themselves in school in Magnolia's shoes (what child HASN'T had some fear and trembling about being called out for doing something in class, and perhaps getting their NAME ON THE BOARD?) And one of the best parts of reading this book with children is that they pick up on things I might otherwise have missed, finding little additions in the drawings that add a whole new level of hilarity to the experience. As a parent, I love that the story sparks in their imagination just exactly what it would be like to walk into school with an alligator (and in fact, after I finished reading the book they proceeded to act out that very thing!). And I'm also happy to find a story that both I and the children can truly enjoy together.
With a highly entertaining storyline and fabulous illustrations that will at a minimum leave your children smiling, "If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School, DON'T!" is an absolute winner in our household. When I asked my children what sort of rating I should award this book, it was simply unanimous. A 5 out of 5 stars was a must. Well, who am I to argue with their literary expertise? 5 out of 5 stars it is!
Book been provided courtesy of the publisher (LB Kids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group) for the purposes of this unbiased review.

Elise Parsley lives in Minnesota with her husband. If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School, Don't! is her debut picture book.
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