For Love & Honor by Jody Hedlund

Adventure and romance collide in Jody Hedlund's latest novel, the third in the series but able to be enjoyed as a stand-alone novel at the same time. My daughter absolutely loves stories with hints of fairy tales permeating them, and Sabine's story reminded her a bit of Beauty and the Beast, which she adores. The story is not overly long and those looking for a relatively quick read that will entertain them in the best fashion will enjoy this book. The characters are intriguing and well-developed, and the time period the story is set in is an exciting one to read about, with knights upholding chivalry and honour, traits that seem to be missing from our world so often today. The last half of the book especially zings along, and readers will have a terrible time putting the book down until they've come to the happy ending. Readers will be left longing for a world where sacrifice and love are values that are upheld, and reminded that God does not look at the outside of a person, but at the heart. As a parent I appreciate that novels such as these attempt to instil such virtues in the teen audience the book is written for (though I am assured that females in particular of all ages will no doubt enjoy this read).
My teen daughter has awarded this book a very strong 4 out of 5 stars, and urges pre-teens and teens alike to grab a copy for themselves and enjoy this fun novel!
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher through the Booklook Bloggers program.
about the author...

Winner of the 2016 Christian Book Award for fiction and Christy Award for historical romance, best-selling author Jody Hedlund writes inspirational historical romances for both youth and adults.
Jody lives in central Michigan with her husband, five busy children, and five spoiled cats. Although Jody prefers to experience daring and dangerous adventures through her characters rather than in real life, she’s learned that a calm existence is simply not meant to be (at least in this phase of her life!).
When she’s not penning another of her page-turning stories, she loves to spend her time reading, especially when it also involves consuming coffee and chocolate.
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