Gripping: "The Gryphon Heist" by James R. Hannibal

about the book....
Talia Inger is a rookie CIA case officer assigned not to the Moscow desk as she had hoped but to the forgotten backwaters of Eastern Europe--a department only known as "Other." When she is tasked with helping a young, charming Moldovan executive secure his designs for a revolutionary defense technology, she figures she'll be back in DC within a few days. But that's before she knows where the designs are stored--and who's after them.
With her shady civilian partner, Adam Tyler, Talia takes a deep dive into a world where criminal minds and unlikely strategies compete for access to the Gryphon, a high-altitude data vault that hovers in the mesosphere. But is Tyler actually helping her? Or is he using her for his own dark purposes?
my review....
If you are anything like me, you will get to the end of this fast-paced tale and immediately wonder, when is the movie coming out? James R. Hannibal has crafted a plot steeped in espionage and sleight of hand, with chase scenes, things that blow up, and life-and-death situations - in other words, all the required elements to make for a worthy suspense novel! Rookie CIA agent Talia will capture your sympathy from the get-go as she seeks to make her mark on the world and prove herself to the CIA, all while overcoming a traumatic past that saw her father dying before her eyes. As she is thrust into scene after scene where you aren't quite sure who the good guys are and who the villains may be, I couldn't help but root for her to figure it out along the way so that she could totally prove herself to everyone. In the midst of all the action taking place, I wasn't expecting to find touching moments of forgiveness. But Hannibal does an admirable job at making these moments a natural and even vital part of the story, revealing a wonderful truth about God and how He offers us all second chances based entirely on what he has done for us. I was amazed that this central truth could shine so beautifully in the midst of some truly heart-stopping moments!
"The Gryphon Heist" is the first time I've had the opportunity to read a novel by Hannibal, but it certainly won't be the last. With awesome characters who kick some butt while fighting for the good, and a slew of secrets still waiting to be revealed, I will surely be coming back for more the moment the second novel in this series is released. I award this novel a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars and encourage all suspense fans to check out this book for themselves.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
about the author....
James R. Hannibal is no stranger to secrets and adventure. A former stealth pilot from Houston, Texas, he has been shot at, locked up with surface-to-air missiles, and chased down a winding German road by an armed terrorist. He is a two-time Silver Falchion Award winner for his Section 13 mysteries for kids and a Thriller Award nominee for his Nick Baron covert ops series for adults. James is a rare multi-sense synesthete, meaning all of his senses intersect. He sees and feels sounds and smells and hears flashes of light. If he tells you the chocolate cake you offered smells blue and sticky, take it as a compliment.
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