A mystery certain to appeal to your teen: My review of "Code of Silence"
I guarantee that any teen who picks up this book will soon find themselves immersed in the intense scenes and the action-filled plot. The characters are realistically portrayed, leaving much for the reader to identify with. I appreciated that the teens aren't perfect, but instead struggle with things like being afraid or not knowing what to do, and with making mistakes - even big ones. The consequences to their actions are natural ones, and therefore the book doesn't come across as being preachy. There is much to celebrate in this story - close friendships, loving and supportive families, and an entertaining portrayal of the reality of speaking truth or lies. It would be impossible to finish this book and not think twice about telling a lie, a lesson that all of us, no matter our age, can always be reminded about!
If you are looking for a book that will hold your teens interest, and one that you can both read and be entertained by and have a good discussion about afterwards, then look no further than Code of Silence. 4 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher, Zondervan, for the purposes of this unbiased review.

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