Snakes don't have eyelids? Learn other such fun facts with "Weird & Wonderful Creations"

Did you know that sea horses pair up for life? Or that snakes do not have eyelids? Or how about the fact that sea turtles CRY to get rid of excess sea salt? All of these amazing facts about the creations God has made can be found in "Weird & Wonderful Creations", a bind-up of four books from the "Made by God" series. The book includes the titles "Spiders, Snakes, Bees, and Bats; Big Bugs, Little Bugs; Sea Creatures; and Poisonous, Smelly, and Amazing Plants". All sections of the book are written at a "Level 2" of the I Can Read series, for those children who are "reading with help".
Nothing will make you appreciate God's amazing handiwork more than a book like this! My children have loved reading through this book, exclaiming with wonder at the absolutely beautiful pictures. Every few minutes, one of them simply has to share a new fact they've gained about animals or plants they have read about! And to be honest, I think I've enjoyed the book and learning about these things just as much as my children have! The books are well-written, and children are sure to connect with the simple language. I like how the extra facts are captured to the side of the pages in "balloons", highlightly some truly fascinating information. But best of all, I simply love how every page points to God, to his creating power and diverse nature of all that he has made. Not only will children be entertained and educated, but they will be reminded that everything they see comes from the awesome hand of God!
I give this book a high recommendation and a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. This is definitely a book you will want to get for your family, or give away to some youngsters in your life!
Nothing will make you appreciate God's amazing handiwork more than a book like this! My children have loved reading through this book, exclaiming with wonder at the absolutely beautiful pictures. Every few minutes, one of them simply has to share a new fact they've gained about animals or plants they have read about! And to be honest, I think I've enjoyed the book and learning about these things just as much as my children have! The books are well-written, and children are sure to connect with the simple language. I like how the extra facts are captured to the side of the pages in "balloons", highlightly some truly fascinating information. But best of all, I simply love how every page points to God, to his creating power and diverse nature of all that he has made. Not only will children be entertained and educated, but they will be reminded that everything they see comes from the awesome hand of God!
I give this book a high recommendation and a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. This is definitely a book you will want to get for your family, or give away to some youngsters in your life!
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher and the Booklook Blogging program, for the purposes of this unbiased review.
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