You will be riveted: My review of "Palace of Darkness" by Tracy L. Higley

The year is 106 AD, and Cassia and her 6-yr-old son Alexander are fleeing from a brutal past, looking for a new beginning. Cassia has suffered years of violence at the hands of Aretas, and she is desperate for family, for love and a new beginning. Together, she and her son arrive at Petra, an ancient city carved from stone, where instead of finding peace, she finds a secret that places her son at the centre of a royal conspiracy. When the unthinkable happens to her son, Cassia is ready to give in to despair, until she connects with followers of The Way, a new religious group whose members are ready to die for the Jesus they follow. Will Cassia and her son survive amidst the forces of darkness threatening to consume them?
I truly had a difficult time putting this book down once I'd cracked open the pages, because Higley's writing is so intense and powerful that she brought history to vivid life before my very eyes. I absolutely loved the characters that star the pages of this story, finding them to be intriguing and so very likeable. Each chapter seemed packed with action, each word carefully chosen to bring their world to life and unveil the deep emotions they are facing. I have never before read a story set in Petra, and I found this historical city so fascinating that I want to go visit the ruins myself! The story rushes towards one of the most riveting conclusions that I have read this year, with the ultimate showdown between forces of good and of evil. God and his word come to powerful life through the pages of this book, and I am reminded of God's perfect plans and the ultimate triumph over the evil one that awaits the end of time. Highly has written a wonderful book, one that entertains on every level, and I enjoyed it from start to finish.
Higley remains one of my favourite authors of historical fiction. I award this book 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher and the Booklook program, for the purposes of this unbiased review.
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