My favourite Gwen Marcey book yet! "Portrait of Vengeance" by Carrie Stuart Parks

With plenty of action-packed scenes, characters I continue to adore, and a mystery that kept me gripped to the pages, "Portrait of Vengeance" is an excellent addition to the Gwen Marcey series. Each novel in this series has revealed a new side of Gwen, and this novel does so more than any other before it, delving deep into her childhood in a way that will help you understood her all the more. Parks expertly unfolds one strand of Gwen's past at a time, blending it with the present day in a way that builds the tension in the story all the more. Although I'd only planned on reading a few chapters of this book at a time, doing so proved impossible as I wanted to see how things played out. By the final third of the book I simply couldn't put it down, as I began to realize that there was even more going on than I'd thought. The pacing is spot-on, the scenes filled with suspense, and Gwen continues to be a fabulous character who you can't help but love, flaws and all!
Readers who have been enjoying the exploits of Gwen Marcey thus far are going to definitely want to add this 4th novel in the series to their collection. I highly recommend "Portrait of Vengeance" and award it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the Booklook Bloggers review program. Available from your favorite book retailer from Thomas Nelson, a division of HarperCollins.
about the author...
Carrie Stuart Parks is an award-winning fine artist and internationally known forensic artist. Along with her husband, Rick, she travels across the US and Canada teaching courses in forensic art to law enforcement as well as civilian participants. She has won numerous awards for career excellence. Carrie is a popular platform speaker, presenting a variety of topics from crime to creativity.
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