Be transported back in time: My review of A Lasting Impression by Tamera Alexander
Read on for my review of Tamera Alexander's latest book:
Publisher: Bethany House (November 1, 2011)
Book Synopsis as provided by Publisher:
Claire Laurent's greatest aspiration is to paint something that will bring her acclaim. Yet her father insists she work as a copyist. A forger. When she's forced to flee from New Orleans to Nashville only a year after the War Between the States has ended, her path collides with attorney Sutton Monroe. She considers him a godsend for not turning her in to the authorities. But after he later refuses to come to her aid, Claire fears she's sorely misjudged the man. Finding herself among the elite of Nashville's society, Claire believes her dream to create a lasting impression in the world of art is within reach--but only if her fraudulent past remains hidden.
The Federal Army has destroyed Sutton's home and confiscated his land, and threatens to destroy his family's honor. His determination to reclaim what belongs to him and to right a grievous wrong reveals a truth that may cost him more than he ever imagined--as well as the woman he loves.
Pick up a copy of A Lasting Impression and you will find yourself transported back in time, to a country trying to recover from war, and a young woman trying to overcome the death of her parents and the shame of misusing her talents to deceive others. Tamera Alexander has written a novel that is sure to please lovers of historical fiction, and has created a unique rags-to-riches story in the character of Claire Laurent and the journey she undertakes from painting forgeries for her father to securing a highly sought-after position at the mansion and falling in love with a true man of God. The characters are deftly developed, and Claire is sure to win your heart and your affection as you follow her story and cheer her on for her determination and pluck.
I aslo greatly enjoyed the fact that Tamera set the story in a real location, Nashville's historic Belmont Mansion, a detail that helped me appreciate the descriptions of the beautiful grounds and the awe-inspiring interior even more. And most of all, I walk away from this story remembering the importance of being honest and having integrity in every part of our lives, of not presenting a false front, a forgery of ourselves for the world to see. Though Claire never set out to outright deceive, her actions of witholding information when perhaps it should have been disclosed were as harmful as if she'd outright lied. The conclusion is ultimately satisfying, and Clarie's growth in her faith is one sure to inspire.
I highly recommend this book and give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Disclaimer: Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
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