Expect an ab workout followed by a grab for Kleenex: My review of "The Reluctant Prophet" by Nancy Rue

Publisher: David C. Cook; New edition (October 1, 2010)

My abs may never recover.

Nancy Rue has created one of my favourite characters of the year, 42-yr-old Allison Chamberlain, a character who had me laughing out loud many times throughout this fabulous book.

Allison has been a Christian for seven years, trying to figure out exactly what following Jesus looks like. One Sunday she is sitting restlessly in her pew when she receives a divine nudge - literally - and hears God telling her to go buy a Harley. When she decides to follow this bizarre calling, she soon finds herself well out of her comfort zone, learning to handle a hog, and encountering God's people in a challenging but eternally satisfying way.

This first book in the Reluctant Prophet Trilogy will make you smile, laugh, maybe even cry, as you contemplate this wonderful journey of life that God is guiding us through. Despite the gender difference, I found myself really relating to Allison, especially in her reluctance to acknowledge God's voice (He's not actually asking me to do that is he?). Not only was I thoroughly entertained by this novel, but I was challenged as well, to step outside of myself and what I'm comfortable with, and to follow God's leading, no matter how strange (and no doubt wonderful!) that will be.

The book absolutely flew by, and I struggled to even be able to put it down. Nancy Rue is a highly skilled author, and has delivered an amazing read that engaged me on all levels. I absolutely cannot wait to find out what happens in the next book in the series.

I highly recommend this book and give it 5 out of 5 stars.

An egalley of this book was provided from the publisher via Netgalley, for the purposes of this unbiased review.


  1. It's interesting to hear your view on this book! I've been trying to make my way through it for over a week. I really enjoy the storyline and the characters, so I hate to not finish it. I honestly think that my issue is solely that when I've had time to read this book, it's only been a few pages at a time.

  2. I was fortunate enough to be able to read it basically in one sitting while on holidays, so maybe that's why I just flew through the book and really enjoyed it! I hope you do like it if you are able to finish it :)


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