A foretaste of heaven! Police, birds and ground squirrels

Recently my family and I went to Manning Park to go on a hiking trip. The view was FANTASTIC and God's handiwork was greatly enjoyed:

The trip even started off with an amazing bonus - I got pulled over by the police for not displaying my insurance sticker on my license plate. Fortunately, I didn't get a ticket, and my son was super pumped to have seen a POLICE officer! (I, however, wasn't QUITE as excited).

And then, at the parking lot way up on the mountain we found the most amazingly tame animals. My wife is a bit of a (insert animal or reptile name) whisperer and the birds came and landed on her hand.

My son had a nice chat with a ground squirrel, who peered up at him wanting to know when he would be fed. (My son looks at me much the same way so they had much in common!)

All in all, a great day, and one that made me long for the wonder of heaven, when the lion will lie down with the lamb, and our days will be spent worshiping God and enjoying a new heaven and new earth. 

Come Lord Jesus!
