Will have your kids laughing and learning at the same time! "Conrad and the Cowgirl Next Door" (by Denette Fretz)
“I hear that becoming a cowboy can be dangerous. Especially if you don't know the rules.
I don’t know the rules.”
Conrad is ready to learn to become a cowboy! When he arrives on his Uncle Clint's ranch, he is prepared for anything that comes his way, especially with his trusty "Mega Ultimate Extreme First Aid Kit" in hand. Except he's not prepared for dealing with the know-it-all-cowgirl who lives next door, Imogene Louise Lathrup! As Imogene appears on scene time after time to observe Conrad in one mishap after another, Conrad finds himself put to the test. Can he love and forgive his enemies, even when it's hard?
From the moment "Conrad and the Cowgirl Next Door" appeared on my doorstep, my kids have been clamoring over and over to read through this hilarious book! The story is snappy and full of action, with lively and chuckle-inducing pictures to accompany the text. There have been many a time I have heard my kids say "dad you just HAVE to see this!" as they notice something new and funny with each read through the book (my son especially loves the picture of the characters after they've had a wee bit too much cayenne pepper in their chili). Fretz and Barretta have done a wonderful job at pairing up the story line with the perfect illustrations, making for a children's book that captured my children's interest from start to finish. Not only that, but there are some excellent talking points to take away from this book, such as the difficulty we can have in dealing with Imogene-like people in our lives. When Conrad makes the decision to forgive, he does so even though this isn't the easiest or most natural reaction. I really appreciated the last page of the book, which includes some suggested discussion questions to use to go deeper with your kids.
I wasn't sure how the Fretz and Barretta team could top their first collaboration "Pirates on the Farm", but I think they've managed to do it! I highly recommend this children's book and award it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
A review copy was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.
I wasn't sure how the Fretz and Barretta team could top their first collaboration "Pirates on the Farm", but I think they've managed to do it! I highly recommend this children's book and award it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
A review copy was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.
about the author & illustrator....
Find out more about the book on the publisher website: http://www.zondervan.com/conrad-and-the-cowgirl-next-door
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