Experience life to the fullest and read this book! My review of Anything: The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul by Jennie Allen

Anything : The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul, Jennie Allen


Safe. Comfortable. Happy.

Words we all love. Feelings we want. Even crave. We may love God, but being that he's invisible, words likecomfortable seem to feel better faster.

We are all chasing something. Our hearts were made to run hard and fast after things that move us. But as a generation we are all beginning to stir and wake up, identifying that these words don't satisfy for long, especially when compared to God. If God is real, and we are going to live with Him forever, shouldn't He be everything?

Caught in this familiar haze of worldly happiness and empty pursuits, Jennie Allen and her husband Zac prayed a courageous prayer of abandonment that took them on an adventure God had written for them.

"God, we will do anything. Anything,"

Anything is a prayer of surrender that will spark something. A prayer that will move us to stop chasing things that just make us feel happy and start living a life that matters. A life that is...

Surrendered. Reckless. Courageous.

If we truly know a God worth giving anything for, everything changes.


Anything is a thought-provoking, convicting read, written with refreshing honesty and vulnerability. I always enjoy reading books on faith that are written by someone who has struggled with the questions and doubts we have all faced in our life. Jennie Allen writes in a manner that connects with the reader, a manner that shows she has "been there", has lived life in the trenches and wrestled with the craziness of life. She shares from the wealth of her experience in a way that made me examine my own choices and actions without feeling judged by her. The book is chock-full of wisdom that I am walking away with. I loved when she writes "Joy comes from giving yourself entirely and unreservedly to God. Like ripping a Band-Aid off, giving in, yielding everything, and dying to this life and all we think we want in it - something about that sets you free". What an amazing adventure to live sold out for God, to risk everything and pray the prayer of "anything". I'm so thankful the author was willing to share her story with a generation of people seeking to get rid of their "plastic god" and to serve a God who is real and alive and wanting to move in our midst today.

I highly recommend this engaging and compelling read, and give it 5 out of 5 stars.

Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Thomas Nelson.


Image of Jennie Allen
My passion is to inspire a new generation of women to encounter the invisible God. I love words and I believe God uses them to heal souls and to reveal Himself to people. I am blessed to be working with Thomas Nelson to publish several studies and trade books, engaging women's minds and hearts toward Christ. The first study, Stuck releases this fall, and the book, Anything releases Spring 2012.

I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Biblical Studies. And while all that sounds pretty fancy... I am really just a mess of a girl, trying to figure out God, and why I seem to keep struggling with the same invisible issues I had in kindergarten.

I am so blessed to serve alongside my husband Zac, in ministry in Austin, Texas. We have 4 children: Conner 11, Kate 9, and Caroline 6 and our youngest son, Cooper 4, recently adopted from Rwanda.

This biography was provided by the author or their representative.
