GIVEAWAY & Review of "Momumental" by @jennifercgrant
Read on for an introduction to and review of "Momumental".
Check out the details of my GIVEAWAY at the end :)
Check out the details of my GIVEAWAY at the end :)
A longtime former writer for the Chicago Sun-Times and now a columnist for the Chicago Tribune, Jennifer Grant is no stranger to the common reader. MOMumental is a foray into the enormously amusing, creative, and taxing process of raising a family and a starkly honest memoir that mothers everywhere can identify with. With narrative that is chock-full of humorous, poignant stories drawn from her everyday adventures as a mother and wife, Grant presents an entertaining and inspirational book that will give readers uncommon insights about being an intentional parent.
Momumental is a well-written, smoothly flowing book that will have you smiling, laughing, and nodding along with the author in agreement with her bang-on assessment of life and the joys and pitfalls of parenting. Jennifer Grant has written a treasure, a book that assures parents, and obviously moms in particular, that it's okay not to be perfect and that they are not alone. I utterly appreciated Grant's ability to speak to the reader in a manner that makes you feel like you are sitting down having coffee with her and comparing notes on the craziness and beauty of guiding the next generation. The book is chock-full of wisdom, yet it is delivered with such wit and realness and in such a non-judgemental manner that you cannot help but soak it up and think about how you could apply it to your own life. What I most take away is the assurance that despite our mistakes, that as we parent our children with love "our children will keep growing and changing, becoming more independent, more empathetic, more the people God has created them to be". Sometimes it's easy to forget that we are not parenting alone, but that God is right there along side us and that he has an even better plan than we do for their lives. I thank the author for the courage in sharing so much of her life with us readers, and blessing us in the process.
I strongly recommend this book and give it a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher and Handlebar Marketing, for the purposes of this unbiased review. Available wherever good books are sold, including and Barnes&
Get more info about the book at its publisher page.
I am giving away 1 copy of Momumental to readers from the U.S. and Canada! To enter do the following:
1. Become a follower of my blog (through Google Followers or Networked Blogs) then leave a comment confirming you became a follower. If you are already a follower, move on to step 2.
2. Leave a comment answering this question: "What is your greatest joy or struggle in being a parent?"
I am giving away 1 copy of Momumental to readers from the U.S. and Canada! To enter do the following:
1. Become a follower of my blog (through Google Followers or Networked Blogs) then leave a comment confirming you became a follower. If you are already a follower, move on to step 2.
2. Leave a comment answering this question: "What is your greatest joy or struggle in being a parent?"
++ Please include your email address so I can contact you to arrange to get the book in the mail to you.
That's all there is to it. Contest Ends May 15, 2012. Good luck!
Oooh, this sounds great! I've often thought there needs to be a book like this for homeschoolers like me. I'd love to win! My email is Will go and find Jennifer's blog now! And I think I'm already following yours since it popped up in my Google reader (will double check!).
ReplyDeleteI'm already a follower. My greatest joy in being a parent is those moments when they wrap their little arms around you and give you a biiiiiig hug! That makes all the hard times worth it! sonyavogels(at)
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a great book! I'm a follower already. My greatest struggle as a parent can sometimes be not worrying about them! I'm a parent of teens can get interesting. How do people parent without the Lord? Thanks.
Okay, I'm following. I already have a copy so I don't need to be entered in your drawing--share this awesome book with one of your other readers.
ReplyDeleteAn excellent review. I’ve read this book too and I agree, I love Jennifer Grant’s honest, conversational style. She gave me permission to not only embrace the chaos of motherhood but also to be intentional about the things that really matter. What a great book.
Congratulations to Sonya who won a copy of MOMumental. Check your email inbox and send me your address :)
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone!