My review of "Bible Detective" by Peter Martin (Illustrated by Peter Kent)

Bible Detective: A Puzzle Search Book

Featuring 17 different scenes from Bible events from both the Old and New Testaments, "Bible Detective" is a puzzle search book that will provide your children with hours of entertainment! Many scenes from popular stories are depicted, such as a scene of slaves in Egypt from the time period of when God used Moses to free them, the battle of David versus Goliath, or a scene about the death of Jesus. Each scene is filled with wonderful illustrations, and leads the reader to find things hidden in the scene that also serves to increase the reader's knowledge of the Bible. For example, in the scene of David and Goliath, you need to find the picture of a blacksmith in the Philistine camp, and next to the picture is an explanation that the Philistines had the technology to sharpen iron, so their weapons were strong. The book is chock-full of such facts, and by the end of the book readers will have gained a new appreciation for the culture and settings of the Bible.

My children absolutely love this book, and have indeed spent hours pouring over its pages, trying to race to find the clues first! The illustrations are well-done and lively, with lots of little details thrown in that make them truly delightful. The best part about this book is that your children will be so focused on having fun reading the book, that they won't even realize that they are learning at the same time! I myself even enjoyed pouring over the scenes, for they allowed me to visualize what it would have been like for the men and woman of the Bible to live in the culture they did. This is a book that has earned a longstanding place on our bookshelves, and we plan to bring it along on family trips and other outings to help keep our children entertained. I also appreciate the many conversations it has sparked about the things my children have learned through interacting with the book.

I highly recommend this book and award it 5 out of 5 stars.

Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher, Lion Hudson, and Kregel Blog tour service, for the purposes of this unbiased review.

About the Author

Peter Martin has developed a wide knowledge of Biblical history during his many years working in religious education. He acted as an advisor on The Bible in Its Time.

Peter Kent has been illustrating for more than 30 years and has created more than 12,000 illustrations for children's books.
