A satisfying conclusion to a soul-stirring series: My review of "Too far to Say Far Enough" by Nancy Rue @nnrue
about the book...
Allison Chamberlain has done everything God required of her—but as He continues to nudge her in the third and final book of The Reluctant Prophet series, she is ready to say, “Enough!”
Even with two Sacrament Houses open, the Sisters’ second hand clothing boutique making its debut, and the orphaned Desmond legally adopted, Allison Chamberlain receives the divine Nudge to Go another mile. Eventually responding with her usual reluctant obedience, she finds herself caring for a very young prostitute and facing the deepest roots of evil. Despite the adversaries who threaten those closest to her, Allison finds that she has not gone far enough until she conquers hate and learns to love as God does. No matter what the consequences.
my review...
Too Far to Say Far Enough is a satisfying conclusion to what has been an entertaining and soul stirring series. Allison Chamberlain is a character who will long live on in my mind, a Harley-riding prophet who develops into a woman not to be trifled with! Her heart for justice and her capacity for love as she connects with former prostitutes and abused runaways are definitely things to admire. I loved the new characters introduced in this book, and celebrated along with the characters as I witnessed adoptions and victories over evil and watched a romance come full circle. Nancy Rue has managed to successfully combine an action-packed contemporary drama with a message that will long stay with me, a challenge to get out of my comfort zone and put faith into action caring for the orphans and widows of the world, the lost souls who have no one else who will care for them, the abused and marginalized.
Readers who have followed Allison through the first two books in the series are going to greatly enjoy meeting up with her in the final book, and the conclusion is wonderfully satisfying while leaving much to the imagination about how the future will ultimately play out for Allison and her son Desmond and Chief and all the rest of the characters. I highly recommend both this book and the entire series and award it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
An egalley of this book was provided courtesy of the publisher for the purposes of this unbiased review.
about the author....

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