On LIES, SCANDAL, TRUTH...and WAFFLES: Merry Christmas!
If you turn on the t.v. and watch commercial after commercial, you'll learn that Christmas is just about giving presents. It's about Santa flying through the air to deliver gifts, about getting the best present, the biggest toys. Surely that's the true meaning of Christmas?
That the son of God would be delivered by a teen peasant girl, Mary, who became pregnant before she was wed. Utterly scandalous!
God's plans are so far above our own understanding. He always knows exactly what he's doing, even in choosing to work through the humble and poor (and thank goodness he does, or there'd be no hope for any of us!).
How amazing that God would give up his own power and glory and be wrapped up in a tiny baby and be born in a lowly stable! "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us" (John 1:14).
How amazing that God himself would give his life for all of us, because he knew that we couldn't save ourselves, that we could never be "good enough" to earn our way to heaven, that instead he'd give us eternal life as a free gift. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
This Christmas, I'm determined to remember that it's not about the presents, about me, me, me. It's about Jesus. Well, and...
Okay, maybe not really. But come on, what would Christmas day be without waffles? Whip cream and strawberries? Mmmm.
Time with family and friends, celebrating the real meaning of Christmas, THAT is what Christmas is all about... preferably with waffles too!
Merry Christmas!
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