A book every man needs in this sexually charged culture: My review of "Clean" by Douglas Weiss
I don't think many people would argue the fact that we live in a culture saturated with sexual temptations, where porn is easily available with the click of a button, kids are exposed to graphic images earlier and earlier, and the church is filled with men riddled with guilt about their secret sins. Douglas Weiss argues that the church today is under attack, as the evil one tries to tear down men (and women) with sexual sin, robbing them of their God-given destinies - and I completely agree! In response, Weiss has penned the book "Clean", seeking to support men with practical tools to win the battle over sexual temptation and to stand firmly fixed in purity and integrity, as God has designed them to be.
I can honestly say that "Clean" is one of the best books I have yet to encounter on the subject of men achieving sexual integrity. Douglas Weiss writes about the subject with refreshing honesty, being candid about his own past, and using countless examples of how he has worked with men on various issues regarding their sexuality. Weiss isn't afraid to tackle any issue related to sexuality, and so looks at issues related to porn, masturbation, adultery, etc. The book is extremely useful, filled with truly helpful information and steps that men can take to achieve cleanliness. I love the focus in the book on God's word and on men holding each other accountable to stay clean. I also greatly appreciate the hope that this book offers, that change is possible for everyone, and that in God's power men can truly turn their eyes from the deeds of darkness and walk into the light, taking every thought captive to Christ. Weiss also is not making a case here that sex is bad, but rather shows that it is a wonderful gift from God, to be shared between a man and a woman in marriage.
I recommend this book not only for men, but for their wives as well to give them a good understanding of how a male mind works and how temptation effects them. This is a book that should be in the hands of everyone at church, from pastors and people in leadership down to the newest sheep to join the fold. I give this book a rating of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher, Thomas Nelson, and the Booksneeze program, for the purposes of this unbiased review.
I can honestly say that "Clean" is one of the best books I have yet to encounter on the subject of men achieving sexual integrity. Douglas Weiss writes about the subject with refreshing honesty, being candid about his own past, and using countless examples of how he has worked with men on various issues regarding their sexuality. Weiss isn't afraid to tackle any issue related to sexuality, and so looks at issues related to porn, masturbation, adultery, etc. The book is extremely useful, filled with truly helpful information and steps that men can take to achieve cleanliness. I love the focus in the book on God's word and on men holding each other accountable to stay clean. I also greatly appreciate the hope that this book offers, that change is possible for everyone, and that in God's power men can truly turn their eyes from the deeds of darkness and walk into the light, taking every thought captive to Christ. Weiss also is not making a case here that sex is bad, but rather shows that it is a wonderful gift from God, to be shared between a man and a woman in marriage.
I recommend this book not only for men, but for their wives as well to give them a good understanding of how a male mind works and how temptation effects them. This is a book that should be in the hands of everyone at church, from pastors and people in leadership down to the newest sheep to join the fold. I give this book a rating of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of the publisher, Thomas Nelson, and the Booksneeze program, for the purposes of this unbiased review.
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