Full of powerful truths: My review of "The Full Armor of God" by Larry Richards
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Stand Firm Against the Devil's Schemes
Whether you are aware of it or not, every Christian is locked in a struggle with the spiritual forces of this dark world. If our defenses are weak--or nonexistent--these enemies can, and will, slowly, subtly, lead you away from a life of righteousness. In this tactical guide, bestselling author and trusted theologian Larry Richards offers an ironclad defense plan straight from the Bible. Using Paul's letter to the Ephesians as his infallible guide, Richards reveals how God provides protection from every attack of the enemy--and how you can put on the full armor of God today and every day.
Including practical, hands-on exercises, this is the essential biblical approach to standing your ground against the enemy's ploys.
my review....
Written in easy-to-read and accessible language, "The Full Armor of God" is a wonderfully practical book for any Christian seeking a balanced look at spiritual warfare. The author clearly unpacks the book of Ephesians, pulling out the truths that God reveals in this book about the nature of the world around us, and how God has given us the tools to effectively stand firm against the schemes of the evil one. I really appreciated that the author does not try to say that every problem we have in our lives is from a demonic attack, but instead recognizes a role for counselling and for other ways that God wants to free us from sin, heal us from trauma, etc. However, Larry Richards also points out that demons are working in the world around us to try to steer us away from God's promises and his perfect plan for our lives.
Reading this book is not going to leave you afraid of the spiritual realm. Instead, it will empower you with God's truth of who God has made you and called you to be, and allow you to stand firm in faith. Each section includes a very useful guide on how to apply the scripture-based principles to our own lives, and is useful not only for the individual reader but even in helping us pray for and with others.
I honestly think this is one of those books that everyone should read. I highly recommend it and award it 5 out of 5 stars.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Chosen, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
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